
Leaked Photo From Game Of Thrones Set Could Spell Disaster For Iconic Location

February 02, 2018

Even though we still have over a year to wait for the final season of Game of Thrones, the show is rarely out of the headlines. With each episode costing around $10 million to produce, people are eager to spot clues about what will happen in season eight now that filming has begun.

This week, a number of photographs emerged from the set which could spell disaster for one of Westeros’ most iconic locations.

In case you need reminding, season seven set up the backdrop for the Great War in epic fashion. Before it aired, it was clear that the Night King and his army of the dead were a formidable force, but now that they’ve got one of Daenerys’ dragons, they’ve just become more deadly.

Thankfully, Jon Snow has been able to convince some of the most powerful people in Westeros that there is a very real threat beyond the wall. Now, they are going to band together to defeat the Night King who has just begun his assault on the south.

Although, admittedly, it’s hard to imagine Cersei Lannister not acting in her own interests where possible.

There are few shows with plots as complex as Game of Thrones, but, narratively, season seven was satisfying because so many threads were tied together in preparation for the Great War, including the reunion of Sansa and Arya, who were separated way back in season one.

Following the Battle of the Bastards in season six, their reunion meant that all of the Starks were finally back in Winterfell – even if Jon had to leave to, y’know, try and warn everybody else to put their quarrels to one side to defeat the Night King.

The post Leaked Photo From Game Of Thrones Set Could Spell Disaster For Iconic Location appeared first on Viral Thread.

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