
Eight Idiotic Criminals Who Were Captured After Posting Stupid Things On Social Media

February 02, 2018

Thanks to the rise of social media, it’s a lot easier to catch criminals, especially when they’re dumb enough to tweet or write a Facebook status while being on the “most wanted” list. If you decide to live the life of a fugitive or an outlaw, you have to remember to completely erase yourself from society – and that includes removing your entire online presence forever.

However, some criminals are just so addicted to their smartphones that they forget to keep their fingers off their keyboards.

Maybe they want to gloat about the fact that they haven’t been caught (yet) or they just want to show off all their stolen loot. That said, as these criminals soon discovered, posting a status is a surefire way to get caught.

1. Escaped prisoner gets caught at Mexican resort


Nicholas Grove escaped Payette County jail in Idaho by jumping a fence and then proceeded to post a selfie at a resort in Mexico which inevitably resulted in his capture. “Social media certainly played a role originally because this particular individual bragged about his escape on Facebook,” Marshal Brian Underwood said.

2. What a prankster!


A teenage girl sent American Air a tweet pretending to be a girl from Afghanistan stating that she was going to do “something really big” on June 1st. The airline wasn’t impressed, and despite pleading that she’s “just a girl” and vowing not to tell her parents about her momentary lapse in sanity, Sarah was forced to turn herself into police and was charged with posting a false or alarming announcement.

3. Assassination


In September of 2012, 21-year-old Donte Jamar Sims decided that tweeting about assassinating President Obama with “that Lee Harvey Oswald swagg” would be a great idea. Despite apologizing in court, he was arrested and sentenced to six months in jail for knowingly making a threat to take the life of the president.

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