24 Subtle Yet Evil Ways To Mess With Your Friends’ Minds
he conniving comics of Reddit are at it again. One user submitted a simple question "What are some subtle ways to f*ck with people?" Redditors were waiting on the edge of their keyboard to reveal their weirdest and most mischievous answers. Here are some of the best (or worst?) ways to mess with people in subtle, sometimes creepy ways.
Devious Driver
*Puts on sunglasses, rolls up window…let the confusion begin.*
The Mysterious Moving Car
Wait…didn’t I…park it right over there?
The Stare-Master
I will forever be insecure if someone did this to me…what’s wrong with my ears? Is my chin too pointy? *Overthinks everything*.
So simple, yet so evil.
Hole in None
I’m not a golfer so I might just be distracted by free marshmallows, but I can imagine this would drive even Tiger Woods crazy.