What In The Hillbilly Hell: Couple Arrested After Being Caught Selling Drugs Out Off A Drive-Thru Window Created In Their Trailer

September 02, 2018

(Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

Couple Arrested For Making Drive-Thru Window at Mobile Home to Sell Drugs

A Florida couple was arrested after being caught selling drugs through a makeshift drive-thru window they created from their mobile home.

McKenzee Dobbs and William Parrish Jr. were arrested after cops and investigators rushed their trailer after they were thought to be in connection with a string of overdoses in the surronding area. In a report, authorities said “We were seeing some overdose incidents that were happening in this particular area, specifically at this particular location. There were some heroin sales that were going on there. Subsequently, through the investigation, we were able to determine that product was laced with fentanyl.

The couple was slapped with a list of charges, including possession of fentanyl and possession of fentanyl with intent to sell.


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