Studies Show Black Folks Dictate the Culture, But Why Don’t We Have Stock in Ownership?
Why Don’t Black People Own What What Make Popular?
A recent study by Nielsen has found what we already know — Black folks aren’t just pop culture consumers, they drive and lead the culture to what it is today. Black people lead the wave of style, beauty, grooming, music, entertainment, and every other trend. So the question lies here — why aren’t Black dollars on the uptick?
In a talk called “From Consumers to Creators, Nielsen Examines the Digital Habits and Impact of Black Consumers,” Roland Martin sits down with Cheryl Grace, Nielsen’s Vice President of US Strategic Community Alliances and Consumer Engagement for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) Week in Washington DC. Check out their conversation on the recent shift from Black folks being the biggest spenders to being the ones with cultural commerce.