Real Talk: Melyssa Ford Opens Up About Battling Depression Before & After Jeep Accident

September 24, 2018


Credit: Derrick Salters/

She Brings The Honesty In A Heartfelt Post

Melyssa Ford bravely talked about her struggles with depression on social media.

The model and media personality took to Instagram to explain that she’s been battling the feeling even before her near-fatal car accident back in June:

“I’m battling Depression. Crushing, malignant Depression. It was always there; it’s just been made a little worse because of the head trauma from the crash. There are days where simple tasks takes the effort of 40 men; mornings where I’m unhappy to wake and see the sun because it’s another day spent listlessly looking for solid meaning in life. The guilt I feel at having survived and not feeling constant gratitude is a heavy weight to bear. I’m trying to jump back into my life but it feels like there are two Me’s: Before and After the crash. And I barely know who Before Me is anymore. Trying to seek help feels like drowning in a strong current with a lifeline swinging right above your head. I say all this to say check in with your ‘strongest friend’… no one ever does.”

Instagram Photo


According to another Instagram post back in July, Ford suffered a scull fracture and concussion in her hit-and-run accident with an 18 wheeler. In the post, she described how her recovery process helped restore her faith in humanity.

“My fears were put to rest, by the quick thinking and compassionate actions of the Good Samaritans that helped me, the fast acting EMT workers and trauma staff and Huntington Memorial hospital and by the overwhelming outpouring of support that I’ve received from people all over the world.”

Now that Ford has opened up about her depression, it’s clear that the healing process is no simple, one moment process.

Shout outs to Ford for her bravery in speaking out! Surely, it will mean something to millions.


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