No One Respects You: Donald Trump Turns Red With Embarrassment As U.N. Laughs At His Ridiculous Lies [Video]

September 25, 2018

Image via BRYAN R. SMITH/AFP/Getty Images

U.N. Laughs At Donald Trump’s Lies About His Presidency

Donald Trump doesn’t appear to be humbled often. He has this delusional ability to lie, not only us, but to himself about the state of America and quality of work he’s done as the President.

Well, today, Donny got the humbling of a lifetime.

While speaking to the United Nations General Assembly, Trump offered up one of his typical hyperbolic self-congratulations, but he had no idea that the world leaders on hand would react the way that they did and let us be the first to tell you…

It. Was. GLORIOUS. Check it out below.


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