Florida Crazies: Pensacola Man Sentenced 20 Years In Prison For Stealing $600 Worth Of Cigarettes

September 24, 2018

Image via mariusFM77/Getty

Florida Man Sentenced 20 Years In Prison For Stealing Cigarettes

No one Newport should have all that power.

According to PNJ, a Pensacola man was arrested and sentenced to 20 years in prison after he was caught stealing 10 cartons of cigarettes from a local convenience store.

Image via Escambia County Jail

48-year-old Robert Spellman was convicted of burglary and grand theft by an Escambia County jury for stealing 10 cartons of cigarettes worth $600. Spellman broke into a locked manager’s office to boost the bogies.

Thing is, the cigarette’s alone were not the reason that Spellman was sentenced to so much time. Prior to this arrest and conviction, he had 14 felony and 31 misdemeanor convictions on his record.

Guess the judge figured that this guy was a threat to nicotine everywhere.

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