Complicated: Nivea Details Cocaine Use, Being Lil Wayne’s “Sexy Martha Stewart” And Why Things Ended With The Dream

September 25, 2018

ATLANTA, GA – JULY 23: Nivea attends the screening of Universal Pictures” LUCY at Cinebistro on July 23, 2014 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Prince Williams/FilmMagic)

Nivea Gets Raw In New Interview

Nivea is keeping good on her promise and stepping back into the limelight, except this time she has less of a filter.

On “Finding Nivea”, the unsung 36-year-old singer said she went quiet after becoming a mother out of respect for her exes, but a more mature Nivea acknowledges that her story needs to be told in order for her to continue to fulfill her dreams.

In a recent podcast interview, Nivea gives fans even more details about the last few years including struggles with drugs, divorcing The Dream without a prenup and she dispels rumors she’s getting enormous amounts of child support from her millionaire baby daddies.

Here are some interesting excerpts from the interview:

On if her relationships with The Dream and Wayne overlapped:

I feel like if I wanna f*ck somebody else, I should be able to [say it]. I don’t believe in creeping. Either I’m cut buddy time or I’m with that person for 100 years. I didn’t speak to Wayne for five years after we were not together and I was married [to The Dream].

Nivea reveals she’s taking a ten year break from relationships

I don’t have time, because I’m really finna give myself in a relationship. I’m exhausted. I’m taking a ten year break. I’ve been in relationship after relationship, I’m done…I’m getting broke off, but I don’t have time to be your girl, and you be my mine.

On loving her body after children:

Interviewer: It’s a grown woman body, for sure.

Nivea: I got a real body too. I’m getting in the gym so I want to trim, trim, trim. I definitely have a VERY natural body. I love a natural body…I like fake boobs too, if they look natural.

Interviewer: So now you’re not going to get a mommy makeover? You’re just going to go to the gym and work everything out?

Nivea: First. And after all of that effort and eating right, then I will. But, I want to go the right way first.

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Nivea was just getting warmed up too! Hit the flip to see what else she revealed.

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