Bank Of America Back On Their Bullsh**, Freezes Accounts Of Customers Suspected Of Not Being U.S. Citizens

September 01, 2018

Bank Of America Faces Backlash For Freezing Accounts Of Customers Suspected To Be Illegal Immigrants

Bank Of America went from being the bank of opportunity to the bank of prejudice.

Reports have recently surfaced revealing that the company has been freezing customer accounts over citizenship questions. They claim that they ask account holders about citizenship in order to comply with the government’s country-specific sanctions, but it sounds pretty sketchy considering we’re living in racist, Trump times.

The Huffington Post reports:

Saeed Moshfegh, an Iranian doctoral student at the University of Miami, said he was denied access to his account after his local Bank of America branch refused to accept documentation he offered to demonstrate his status as a student.

Dan Hernandez, a television writer of Cuban heritage, said the bank suspended his business account in December 2016 over suspicion he was doing business with Cuba. The issue was resolved after he sent a tweet to the bank’s social media account. “I knew I didn’t do anything wrong, but it puts doubt in your mind. A bank can crush your life for arbitrary reasons and never tell you why.”

The bank said it has used the same country of citizenship question for almost a decade. SMH.
Like most things with the word “America” in it these days, this isn’t good.

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