2 Cops Shot When They Pull A Kick Do’ On The Wrong Address, Black Homeowner Won’t Be Charged

September 25, 2018

Image via South_agency/Getty

2 Cops Shot Executing Search Warrant At Wrong Address

We don’t know what the hell is going on in 2018, but this type of irony can’t be overstated.

The very same day that Amber Guyger is fired from the Dallas Police Department for killing Botham Jean inside his own home in a shady police shooting, we have a very similar case in Maryland where something similar happened, but the results were the polar opposite.

According to WUSA9 two Prince George’s police officers were shot while attempting to execute a search warrant in District Heights, MD. SWAT police knocked on an apartment door where an unidentified man and his daughter were sleeping. When they got no response, the broke the door down. During this time, the man had awaken and armed himself with a shotgun to pump hot lead into the men he believed to be intruders. The resident let of a single shot that hit two officers, one in the shoulder and another in the hand and arm.

Here’s what Chief Hank Stawinski says happened next:

“As that door now opens, he realizes now that those are police officers,” Chief Stawinski said. “He immediately drops that weapon, he immediately goes to the window and starts communicating, ‘you got the wrong address don’t shoot my daughter’.”

In a rare case of admitting an absolute wrong, the police chief released the man after interviewing him and held a press conference to further admit his department’s ineptitude.

Oh yeah, and in case you’re wondering, yes, the resident who shot the police was a Black man. Imagine that. A Black man survived shooting TWO police officers.

Also, what type of training are these cops getting? Can you just become a cop if you find a certificate at the bottom of the Apple Jacks box?!?

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