Wilted Skeletor-Faced Fox News Blowhard Laura IngraKlan Gets Dragged For Racist Anti-LeBron Rant
February 16, 2018
Laura Ingraham’s Racist Rant Gets Dragged
Faux News’ Laura Ingraham (pictured above, probably) was none too pleased with the video of LeBron James going in on Cheeto Dusty’s racism. She insulted his intelligence, told athletes to shut up and had really nothing of benefit to offer anyone in the world.
Laura Ingraham did an entire segment tonight about how LeBron James is dumb.
LeBron is brilliant. pic.twitter.com/xSZF9HImBJ
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) February 16, 2018
The racist rant brought a rightful dragging she absolutely deserved. Peep the most brutal dragging for this spoiled mayo bucket.