U Good, Bro? Jamie Foxx Walked Out In The Middle Of An Interview After Being Asked About Katie Holmes

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for NARAS
Jamie Foxx Isn’t Talking About Katie Holmes In Interviews…At All
Well, that was interesting.
TMZ reported that while being interviewed by SportsCenter’s Michael Smith, Jamie Foxx completely walked off set and back onto the basketball court mid-interview. The reason? He completely stopped the conversation once Smith inquired about the actor’s possible relationship with actress Katie Holmes.
Smith inquired, “Did you and Katie Holmes play basketball for Valentine’s Day, like some real Love & Basketball?” Before even hearing the entire question, Foxx began to remove his headset and microphone before completely walking away from the interview without another word.
don’t ask jamie about katie, fam pic.twitter.com/E8hfdiBtGj
— KEITHFUJIMOTO (@oakleyandallen) February 16, 2018
The interviewed occurred Friday night before Foxx hit the hoops for the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game. The question that got Foxx flustered was inspired by Entertainment Tonight’s snapshots of the alleged couple’s whereabouts on Wednesday afternoon.
It’s unclear why Jamie didn’t want to answer a question about Holmes, but it might have just been the mood he was in on Friday–he also went MIA in the middle of the All Star Celebrity game as his coach Katie Nolan looked everywhere trying to get him in the game. Seems like Foxx just doesn’t like to be tied down.