Preciousness: Ciara & Russell Wilson Share The First Full-Face Photos Of Baby Sienna Princess Wilson

Felipe Ramales/SplashNews
Ciara And Russell Wilson Share Sienna Princess Wilson Photos
Proud parents Ciara and Russell Wilson are finally giving fans a good look at their baby girl. The couple who welcomed Sienna Princess Wilson in April 2017 is sharing photos and videos of their daughter.
The couple took to the Trace Me app to drop the exclusive first photos of Sienna as taken by dad Russell himself.
In them we see ADORABLE Sienna looking just like her papa….
and being held by her mom who penned her a heartfelt letter about the woman she hopes she grows up to be.
“Dear Sienna Princess Wilson, my princess, it has been the sweetest joy having you in my life,” said CiCi. “You are the little girl I always prayed for and more.
[…] Guard your heart my daughter, I pray that you do better and be better than me. I pray that when a man comes into your life, he loves you like your daddy loves you, he loves you like your brother loves you, he loves you like Jesus loves you.”
Meet Sienna Ciara’s Baby
(@NasirLeigh) February 15, 2018
Now THAT’s precious.
What do YOU think about Sienna Wilson’s big reveal???
More of Russell and Ciara’s baby girl on the flip.