Mom Calls Gay Bar To Figure Out What To Do When Her Son Came Out And Got Perfect Advice

February 01, 2018

Kara Coley works in a bar in Mississippi called Sipps that isn't officially a gay bar, but is known around the area as being "gay friendly." Coley's been tending bar for 17 years. She's probably answered a lot of questions and talked a lot of customers through their problems. We treat the people who give us alcohol as therapists working for tips, especially after having a few.

Then one Friday night, Coley got a call she'd been training for her whole life! Her post about the sweet exchange went viral on Facebook. Coley told the Huffington Post that it was a woman with a Northern accent, looking for answers for her gay son.

"So I got the most random phone call at the bar tonight!" writes Coley, turning it into a little script in case you want to read along at home:

Me: Good evening Thank you for calling Sipps! 

Lady on phone: Is this a gay bar?

 Me: well we are a everybody bar but yes mostly gay. 

Lady: can I ask you a? 

Me: sure 

Lady: Are you Gay? 


Lady: What was the one thing you wanted from your parents when you a came out? 

Me: Umm 

Lady: My son just came out to me and I don't want to say anything that may mess him up in the head. 

Me: well I think that you should just make sure he knows that you love and accept, wait do you accept it? 

Lady: well Umm yes if that's what he wants. 

Me: You should definitely let him know that you love and accept him! I think everything will be ok from there! 

Lady: okay well thank you. 

Me: you are very welcome and good luck!

"17 years of bartending in gay bars on the coast! That's definitely a first for me!" Coley concluded.

Coley's little story has been shared hundreds of time, much to her surprise.

“I’m shocked and excited,” she told HuffPost. “Although I still don’t get it because I was just being honest and compassionate.”

People love the idea that Coley was able to help a woman trying to figure out how to love her son the best possible way:

Coley has not figured out who the mom that called was, but says if she and her son ever came to Sipps, “I would hug their necks!”

A great story about what can happen when the right person answers the phone.

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