Cheeto Coated Cheater: Playboy Playmate Steps Forward Claiming She Placed The Pum Pum On Y’all’s President

February 17, 2018

Playboy Playmate Claims To Have Had Affair With The President


Yet another woman has stepped forward and claimed to have had an extra-marital affair with Donald Trump. Karen McDougal, former actress and Playboy Playmate of the Year admitted to “secret hotel-room meetings, payoffs, and complex legal agreements to keep affairs—sometimes multiple affairs carried out by Trump simultaneously—out of the press.”

McDougal details an intimate encounter with 45:

“I was so nervous! I was into his intelligence and charm. Such a polite man. We talked for a couple hours – then, it was ‘ON’! We got naked and had sex. He offered me money. I looked at him ( felt sad) and said, ‘No thanks – I’m not ‘that girl.’ I slept with you because I like you – NOT for money’ – He told me ‘you are special.'”

Per usual Trump denies all the allegations and chalks it up to “Fake News”. A White House spokesperson said in a statement that Trump denies having had an affair with McDougal: “This is an old story that is just more fake news. The President says he never had a relationship with McDougal.”

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